
Halfway to goblin’s forest!

We were halfway there and then one strap of my backpack snapped! That’s what I got for not using an official backpacking pack that could carry heavy loads. The rest of the way I had the one strap across my body. It was crushing my rib cage from the weight and was very painful!

My watch was finally reading 1 mile. Ranger Margaret said at this distance the campsite sign should pop up soon, but we were only seeing the trail. The whole time my brain was going, “did we go the wrong way?” “is a bear about to pop out?” “Oh my gosh I can’t see in front of me”, and “wow my body hurts”. But I had to ignore these worries and complaints and keep trekking on!

We decided that if we could not find the sign soon, we would hike back to a clearing we saw earlier. At the park it’s not allowed to set camp in unmarked sites due to preserving the wilderness, but we were trying to play it safe and ease our minds with a place to sleep in case we couldn’t find our campsite.